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Spanish artist Inaki Miranda resides in Madrid, Spain, where he earned a fine arts degree in painting at the Complutense University. After testing the waters of animation and videogames, he made himself a place in the comics industry working for more than a decade for DC Comics, home of international cultural icons as Superman, Batman and Wonder Woman.
In parallel to his work in the comics industry, and for a period of seven years, Inaki projected and elaborated JOII, his personal incursion in Contemporary Art.
In February 2020 Duran Monkey Gallery inaugurated in Madrid his fist JOII show, titled SUPERDRAGON: GENESIS… which we now present to you.
“I deconstruct, distil and redirect the heart machine. That world that exists in a screen exists previously in our heart. To nurture it is to nurture ourselves. I find no interest in the easiness and self-indulgence of the intellectual criticism. Nor am I interested in the flatness, or in pointing out the emptiness (I reject planting a rose in the concrete, only to let it wither and die) I am not interested in the wall; what I am interested in are the vital cracks that let human light pass through. I’m interested in the real life that vibrates in the cast shadows of the cavern. The brain is as secondary in art as the hand is.”
“I am a son of the entertainment industry. I’ve walked with the electric golem. I come from hypnotic parallel worlds, from where emotion is a cathartic mirror, where the heart is a play button, where everything is potential; where the future is waiting for us.
I come from that place where, deep inside, each, each and every one of us, yearns to dwell.”
-Inaki Miranda
"Soy hijo de la industria del entretenimiento. Mi entidad ha sido nutrida por el golem eléctrico. Vengo de mundos paralelos hipnóticos, de allí donde la emoción es un espejo catártico, donde el corazón es un botón play, donde todo es potencial, donde el futuro nos espera."
"Vengo de aquel lugar en el cual, en el fondo, todos, todos, todos y cada uno de nosotros, queremos estar.
Descompongo, destilo y redirecciono la “máquina corazón”. Ese mundo que existe en una pantalla, existe primero en nuestro corazón. Nutrirlo es nutrirnos. No me interesa lo fácil y autocomplaciente de la critica intelectual. No me interesa lo plano, ni señalar el vacío (rechazo plantar una rosa en el cemento para dejar que se marchite y muera-- no, no me interesa). No me interesa el muro, me interesan las grietas vitales, la luz humana, la verdadera vida que vibra en las sombras proyectadas de la caverna. El cerebro es tan secundario como la mano en el arte."
«El mediador entre el cerebro y la mano ha de ser el corazón» - Metropolis, 1927
-Inaki Miranda
Exposición. 10 mar de 2025 - 22 jun de 2025 / Museo Nacional del Prado / Madrid, España
Cambio de forma: Mito y metamorfosis en los dibujos romanos de José de Madrazo
Formación. 01 oct de 2024 - 04 abr de 2025 / PHotoEspaña / Madrid, España