Galerías y otras organizaciones que le representan
Descripción del Artista
“¿Adopta el trauma un único punto de vista, como si fuera un monólogo, o se extiende más allá del silo de la psique, merodeando por entornos narrativos, interacciones sociales e incluso por concepciones de un yo fragmentado?” escribe la comisaria Laurel V. McLaughlin.
Centrándome en temáticas de visión, transformación y genealogías feministas, mi obra emplea la escultura, el video y la performance con el fin de imaginar una subjetividad que pueda ser a la vez fragmentaria y total.
Mis proyectos parten de las nociones de subjetividad y punto de vista y reflexionan sobre cambios abruptos de perspectiva, como por ejemplo, la transmutación en elementos no humanos, la agencia de distintos objetos en la formación de subjetividades particulares, y la relación entre autor, víctima y narrador del trauma. Me interesa forzar al espectador a realizar gestos, a veces violentos, pero necesarios para hacer explícita su doble condición de voyeur y de objeto.
“Does trauma take a singular point of view, like a monolog? Or does it stretch beyond the silo of the psyche, skulking into narrative environments, social interactions, and even conceptions of a fragmented selfhood?” writes curator Laurel V. McLaughlin.
Focusing on themes of vision, transformation, and feminist legacies, my practice employs sculpture, video, and performance to imagine a subjecthood that is as much fragmented as it is whole.
When exploring ideas of subjectivity and point of view, my projects often reflect on abrupt changes in perspective, such as the transition between human and non-human, the agency of objects to shape particular subjectivities, or the constantly shifting relations between perpetrator, victim, and narrator. Forcing viewers to perform the sometimes violent gestures necessary to look at the work, my sculptural language aims at making explicit the double condition of spectatorship as both voyeur and object.
Emmanuela Soria Ruíz
Spain, 1992.
Lives and works in Philadelphia, USA.
2020 MFA in Multidisciplinary arts. University of Pennsylvania. Philadelphia, USA.
2014 BFA. The Cooper Union for the Advancement of Science and Art. New York, USA.
2021 The Longest Leg. Fuller Rosen Gallery. Portland, USA.
Private Speculations. Performance. Oregon Contemporary Art Center. Portland, USA.
2019 Entre dos Columnas with Pedram Sazesh. Cervantes Institute. Marrakech, Morocco.
2015 Cosas que Vimos. Palacio de los Condes de Gabia. Granada, Spain.
2014 Too Much 2 Soon with Clay Dresser. The Cooper Union. New York, USA.
Day Palm. The Cooper Union. New York, USA.
2021 The Dividual Exhibition. Los Angeles Contemporary Archive. Los Ángeles, USA.
A.I.R. Exhibition. Practice Gallery. Philadelphia, USA.
The Dividual Exhibition. Kunstraum Lüneburg. Lüneburg, Germany.
Wants & Needs. Elisabeth Foundation Project Space. New York, USA.
Double Feature. Icebox Project Space. Philadelphia, USA.
Lino Kino TV. Automat Gallery. Philadelphia, USA.
2020 Testing Grounds. Cherry St. Pier. Philadelphia, USA.
Rear Window. Pilot Projects. Philadelphia, USA.
2019 Close Enough. Lightbox Film Center. Philadelphia, USA.
Out of Actions. Arthur Ross Gallery. Philadelphia, USA.
Eleven/Ten. Charles Addams Gallery. Philadelphia, USA.
2018 Miragers. 9th street community garden.New York, USA.
With Your Permission. David’s basement. New York, USA.
2017 Cut in Half Trick. 55-19 Metropolitan Ave. Maspeth, USA.
Of the Anguishes. 55-19 Metropolitan Ave. Maspeth, USA.
Hgggggggggggh. Jace Space. Los Angeles, USA.
Vignettes. 55-19 Metropolitan Ave. Maspeth, USA.
2016 Yellow Mellow Show. 269 Powers st. Brooklyn, USA.
2015 Strangers forming a group waiting to kiss. Motel. Brooklyn, USA.
Menschel Exhibition. The Cooper Union. New York, USA.
2013 A Statue with Two Arms Raised. Month of Performance Art. Berlin, Germany.
2021 ACRE projects. Chicago, USA.
Clouds Gathering. New Lebanon, USA.
Practice Gallery A.I.R. program. Philadelphia, USA.
Postscript Gallery A.I.R. Philadelphia, USA.
2020 Performance Intensive. Sharon Hayes and Brooke O’Harra. Philadelphia, USA.
2019 The American Academy in Rome. Affiliated fellow. Rome, Italy.
2017 Arts Letters and Numbers. Albany, USA.
2021 “Private Speculations”, Arts of the Working Class, Issue 18. Berlin, Germany.
Pasiones Ocultas, Amores Oscuros. University Press of Granada, Spain.
2020 El Burro. Bad Language Vol. 2. Los Angeles, USA.
2017 La Frontera del Grifo. Limited hand-bound and painted Chapbook edition of 100. New York, USA.
2015 Cosas que Vimos. Published by Diputación de Granada. Granada, Spain.
Your Dog is Your Mirror. Limited edition chapbook. New York, USA.
2014 script for a white theatre. Tomorrow Works. London, UK.
2021 PennPraxis Design Fellowship. University of Pennsylvania. Philadelphia, USA.
2020 Sachs Student Innovation Grant. University of Pennsylvania. Philadelphia, USA.
2018 Full tuition departmental grant. The Weitzman School of Design at the University of Pennsylvania.Philadelphia, USA.
2015 Sarah Cooper Hewitt Fund Prize for Excellence in Art.
2014 Menschel Scholarship. Travel stipend awarded by The Cooper Union.
2012 Manuel Rivera Scholarship. Diputación de Granada, Spain.
2010 Full tuition scholarship. The Cooper Union for the Advancement of Science and Art, New York, USA.
2021 Multimedia: Performance. Adjunct instructor. Drexel University. Philadelphia, USA.
2019 Video 1. Instructor. University of Pennsylvania. Philadelphia, USA.
2018 Video 1. Teaching assistant. University of Pennsylvania. Philadelphia, USA.
2022 Visiting artist. Low Residency MFA at PNCA. Portland, USA.
2020 Visiting artist for Performance course. Drexel University. Philadelphia, USA.
Mercado, 14 feb de 2022
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