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Ellen & Michael Ringier

Nació en Suiza



Artistas en su colección de arte

Alighiero Boetti - Alighiero e Boetti

Alighiero Boetti - Alighiero e Boetti

Jack Pierson

Jack Pierson

Jim Shaw

Jim Shaw

Arte conceptual  Arte contemporáneo  Dibujo 


Descripción del Profesional del arte

Founder and head of the Ringier publishing empire, which includes the German art magazine Monopol and art-book publisher JRP Ringier, Ringier and his wife Ellen have decorated their Zurich headquarters with more than 200 works from their personal collection. Since 1997, they have commissioned a contemporary artist to design the company's annual report every year—recently, the commissioned artist was Laura Owens. Drawings are a core element of the collection. The collection of works on paper by the early Russian and Western European avant-garde, begun by the spouses Ellen and Michael Ringier back in the 1980s, has been consistently extended over the past 20 years by collecting body of works spanning from early Conceptual artists like John Baldessari, Douglas Huebler, Vito Acconci, Robert Barry, Joseph Kosuth, and Allighiero Boetti to oeuvres by leading contemporary artists like John Armleder, Peter Fischli & David Weiss, Matt Mullican, Urs Fischer, Jim Shaw, Richard Phillips, Mike Kelley, Karen Kilimnik, Jack Pierson, Joe Bradley, Wade Guyton, Trisha Donnelly, Lutz Bacher and Rosemarie Trockel among many others.

Entrada actualizada el el 15 jun de 2016

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