Organizaciones con obra
Descripción del Artista
Diego Marcon
born in Busto Arsizio (VA), IT 1985
Lives and works in Paris, FR
2012 BA - Visual Arts and Theatre, IUAV, Venezia, IT
2006 Diploma, Video Editor, Scuola Civica di Cinema, Televisione e Nuovi Media, Milano, IT
2014 VISIO – Workshop on Artists’ Moving Images, Lo Schermo dell’Arte, Firenze, IT
2009 Advanced Course in Visual Arts, Fondazione Antonio Ratti, Como, IT. Visiting professor: Walid Raad
2008 Reality becomes story, film directing workshop with Claire Simon curated by Associazione Filmmaker
in collaboration with Centre Culturel Français, Goethe-Institut Mailand, Milano, IT
2006 Hell seen closely, film directing workshop with Ulrich Seidl curated by Associazione Filmmaker
in collaboration with Austrian Foreign Office, Milano, IT
2013 - 2015 Cité Internationale des Arts, with the support of Istitut Français, Paris, FR
2013 Centre international d'art et du paysage, Ile de Vassivière, Beaumont-du-Lac, FR
2010 Fondazione Bevilacqua La Masa, Venice, IT
2009 Centre International d'Accueil et d'Echanges des Récollets, Dena Foundation for Contamporary Art, Paris, FR
Solo exhibitions
Pour vos beaux yeux, Gasconade, Milan, IT
SPOOL, curated by C. Riva; with a text by Chris Fite-Wassilak, Artspace project room, Auckland, NZ
Veglia d'armi, curated by D. Zangrando, Monotono Contemporary Art, Vicenza, IT (c)
Plato's Pharmacy, curated by B. Meneghel, Uscita Pistoia, Pistoia, IT (with Mariana Silva)
Diego Marcon - perarolo09, curated by D. Zangrando, Perarolo di Cadore, IT (c)
(selected) group exhibitions
GLITCH, Interferenze tra Arte e Cinema, PAC Padiglione Arte Contemporanea, Milano, IT (c)
Un rumore bianco, Assab One, Milano, IT
Keep it Real, Ventura XV, Milano, IT
Helicotrema – Recorded Audio Festival, Viafarini / DOCVA, Milano, IT
Kunstenfestival Watou, Watou, B (c)
An exhibition with ceramic, Portmanteau,, Geneve, CH
One Thousand Four Hundred and Sixty, Peep-Hole, Milano, IT
Helicotrema – Recorded Audio Festival, curated by Blauer Hase wiht G. Morucchio
MACRO Museo d’Arte Contemporanea and Auditorium Parco della Musica, Roma, IT
Collection Sandretto Re Rebaudengo: A Love Meal, Whitechapel Gallery, London, UK
FIEA - Le Printemps de Septembre, Palais des Arts, Toulouse, France
Helicotrema - Recorded Audio Festival, curated by Blauer Hase with G. Morucchio, Serra dei Giardini, Venezia, IT
Prompted, (online exhibition), curated by C. Riva
Long Play - XXIV Premio Nazionale Arti Visive, curated by A. Daneri, D. Isaia and N. Stolz
MAGA Museo Arte Gallarate, Gallarate, IT (c)
To see an object, to see the light, curated by Ginny Kollak, Padraic E. Moore and Pavel S. Pys,
Palazzo Re Rebaudengo, Guarente d’Alba, IT (c)
Io non ho mani che mi accarezzino il volto, curated by A. Bruciati, White Fish Tank, Ancona, IT
Opera 2010, Artists from the Atelier Fondazione Bevilacqua La Masa
Fondazione Spinola Banna per l'Arte, Poirino, IT (c)
Session_15_Press Release, curated by FormContent, BolteLang, Zürich, CH
Beyond the Dust - Artists' Documents Today, curated by F. di Nardo with L. Benedetti,
Fondation d'entreprise Ricard, Paris, FR (c)
Premio Moroso per l'Arte Contemporanea, curated by A. Bruciati, GC.AC Monfalcone, Monfalcone, IT (c)
VIDEOREPORT Italia 2008_2009, curated by A. Bruciati, GC.AC Monfalcone, Monfalcone, IT (c)
Beyond the Dust - Artists' Documents Today, curated by F. di Nardo with L. Benedetti,
La Fabbrica del Vapore, Milan, IT (c)
Beyond the Dust - Artists' Documents Today, curated by F. di Nardo with L. Benedetti,
De Kabinetten van de Vleeshal, Middelburg, NL (c)
Bosch Young Talent Show, AKV St. Joost, 's-Hertogenbosch, NL (c)
Pastorales, curated by Red Shoes, Galerie ACDC, Bordeaux, FR
YOU-WE + ABLO. 25 Video dalla collezione Sandretto Re Rebaudengo,
curated by F. Bonami, Rotonda della Besana, Milano, IT (c)
Workshow, Fondazione Bevilacqua La Masa, Venezia, IT (c)
We can be heroes, curated by A. Bruciati, 1000eventi Gallry, Milano, IT (c)
A camel is a horse designed by a committee,
Fondazione Bevilacqua La Masa, Fondazione Claudio Buziol, Venezia, IT (c)
Details, curated by R. Pinto, Galleria La Veronica Arte Contemporanea, Modica, RG, IT
Corso Aperto, curated by A. Daneri and C. Pietroiusti, Villa del Grumello and Villa Sucota, Como, IT
Studio Visit, curated by A. Bruciati, S. Coletto, N. Cvijanovic and M. Tagliaferro, GC.AC Monfalcone, Monfalcone, IT
(selected) festivals and screenings
Fictional Tales. Die neue Generation, VideoEX, Zürich, CH
SPOOL Cycle, XXII Udine International Film Studies/FilmForum, Udine and Gorizia, IT
SPOOL 2007–2012, Auditorium di Ancona, Ancona, IT
Screening, Luru Kino, Leipzig, D
Two films by Diego Marcon, The Interview Room, London, UK
FILMMAKER Festival, sect. Archives, Milano, IT (c)
If you want this story to continue…, curated by A. Bruciati, neon>campobase, Bologna, IT (2010) / MAN, Nuoro, IT (2010) and 5th Prague Biennale, Prague, CZ (2011) (c)
That’sIT, curated by V. Estremo and A. Santamauro, Reload, Roma, IT (c)
Festival Internazionale Filmmaker DOC15, Sect. Milano Metropoli, Milano, IT (c)
focus on>diego marcon, neon>campobase, Bologna, IT
LOOP Video Art Festival, screening curated by F. di Nardo, Barcelona, E
Right to the city, IABR International Architectue Biennale Rotterdam, NAI, Rotterdam, NL
Truth or Consequences Film Festival, T or C, New Mexico, USA
So Fresh! Videos from Mitteleuropa, GC.AC Monfalcone, Monfalcone, IT (c)
Pattini d’argento & She Loves You at Minikino, curated by E. Gradin and C. Valenti, Minikino, Berlin, D
Cinema del Reale 1.0, Officine, Roma, IT
VIDEOit, A bridge over the Mediterranean. Festival of artists' videos and contemporary dance,
Sect. Videos from Italy curated by F. di Nardo, Fondazione Merz, Torino, IT (c)
Officinema / Visioni Italiane, Sect. Visioni Doc, Bologna, IT (c)
Festival Internazionale Filmmaker DOC13, Sect. In prima persona, Milano, IT (c)
Gender Bender 08, Sect. Visual Arts, Bologna, IT (c)
Art vs. Porn, curated by E. Del Prete and A. Vanska, Nosadella Due, Bologna, IT, web project curated by F. di Nardo
Ring! Festival della Critica Cinematografica, Alessandria, IT
Festival Internazionale Filmmaker DOC12, Sect. Paesaggi umani, Milano, IT (c)
Milano Film Festival, International Competiton, Milano, IT (c)
10 anni di giovane cinema a Milano, Cinema Brera, Milano, IT
(c) denotes that a catalogue or a pubblication was published in conjunction with the exhibition or the festival.
Awards, fellowships and grants
Menabrea Art Prize, curated by Untitled Association in collaboration with Cura.
MOVINʼUP, II sessione 2012, Direzione Generale per il paesaggio, le belle arti, lʼarchitettura e lʼarte contemporanee / Servizio architettura e arte contemporanee / Direzione Generale per lo spettacolo dal vivo / GAI – Associazione per il Circuito dei Giovani Artisti Italiani
Winner – XXIV Premio Nazionale Arti Visive, MAGA – Museo Arte Gallarate, Gallarate, IT
Finalist – Premio Moroso per lʼArte Contemporanea, GC.AC Monfalcone, Monfalcone, IT
Shortlisted – Premio Lo Schermo dellʼArte Film Festival, Lo Schermo dellʼArte, Firenze, IT
ABLO – Commision, Fondazione Sandretto Re Rebaudengo, Torino, IT (video work)
Dena Foundation for Contemporary Art, with the support of Comune di Milano, Paris/Milano, FR/IT
In prima persona, Filmmaker DOC13, production prize
with the support of Regione Lombardia, Provincia di Milano e Comune di Milano
Paesaggi Umani, Filmmaker DOC12, production prize
with the support of Regione Lombardia, Provincia di Milano e Comune di Milano
(selected) lectures and talks
SPOOL @ Archivio Aperto, Archivio Nazionale Film di Famiglia, Bologna, IT
SPOOL, XXII Udine International Film Studies/FilmForum, Udine and Gorizia, IT
Welcome To Bergamo #2, Accademia di Belle Arti Carrara, curated by ContemporaryLocus, Bergamo, IT
SPOOL, 2007 - 2012, FILMMAKER Festival, exneon > fdv, Milan, IT (c)
Images Moving Images, curated by A. Franceschini, Atelier dell'Arco Amoroso, Ancona, IT
Cascare dal sonno, Il notes magico, Association of psychoanalysis, art and writing, Padova, IT
IUAV, Faculty of Visual Arts and Theatre, Venezia, IT
IULM, Department of Economy of Art, Milano, IT
IUAV, Faculty of Visual Arts and Theatre, Venezia, IT
Other projects
Pattini d’argento (Gelicidio), PAC – Padiglione Arte Contemporanea, Milano, IT (in collaboration with F. Chiari and A. Franceschini)
Videogiochi, Spike Island, Bristol, UK (in collaboration with F. Chiari and A. Franceschini)
Videogiochi (Mediterranea), Fiorucci Art Trust, London, UK (in collaboration with F. Chiari and A. Franceschini)
Streaming SPOOL, online project, in collaboration with Archivio Nazionale Film di Famiglia
Chef #1 – Diego Marcon, The Blank Contemporary Art, Bergamo, IT
SunScreen, curatorial web project for Art*Text*Pics art blog (in collaboration with A. Franceschini)
Videogiochi, Cura.basement and MACRO, Roma, IT (in collaboration with F. Chiari and A. Franceschini)
Extra Dry – Diego Marcon, Peep-Hole off site project, DRY, Milan, IT
Les Pingonautes de la Pongoroute (ou une promenade temporel Paris XX – Paris IV), intervention for the project “Une université d’été parisienne”, Paris, FR
SPOOL BROADCASTING, a three weeks broadcast of the SPOOL project on LA 6 television,
in collaboration with La 6, Rete 55, Artevarese and with the support of MAGA – Museo Arte Gallarate and XXIV Premio Nazionale Arti Visive
Artist’s books and publications
Primi elementi per un manifesto della cucina Neofolk, Studio Temp, Bergamo 2014
A script for Dick, Cura.books, Roma 2014
Cloud Studies, onestar press, Paris 2013
Creación, 03 jun de 2015
Art Situacions regresa con una muestra itinerante por España e Italia
Los diez artistas seleccionados formarán parte de una exposición itinerante por Madrid, Barcelona, Genova y Roma, de la que falta por confirmar fechas y sedes.
Exposición. 18 feb de 2025 - 15 jun de 2025 / Museo Nacional del Prado / Madrid, España
Formación. 01 oct de 2024 - 04 abr de 2025 / PHotoEspaña / Madrid, España