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Christopher Stone - Christopher Stone Sculptor

Artista, Comisario, Galerista/Marchante, Coleccionista
Nació en 1955 en London, London, City of, Reino Unido



Galerías y otras organizaciones que le representan

Lady Audreys Gallery

Lady Audreys Gallery


Documentos relacionados
pdf Biografia
pdf Curriculum de Christopher Stone


Descripción del Artista

For me as a stone carver my job is to make in stone things seen in my mind. A piece may often resemble another thing, or it may not, any type of resemblance is purely accidental and not substantive. Some famous carver once said, First I think, then I carve my think , This is all of me. I find it almost impossible to understand this whole art issue, I am like a child, trying very hard to reproduce exactly what I see inside my head, It is very important for me to reproduce what I see in my head not what the subject holds in its self, The beauty of what I see through my eyes must not consume what I see through my heart.

Galería de Obra de Christopher Stone - Christopher Stone Sculptor (2 Obras)

Exposiciones en las que ha participado como artista

Imágenes del Artista
Abstract female torso in Travertino Marble, Free carved, one piece, 55cm high

Entrada actualizada el el 25 jul de 2018

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Recomendaciones ARTEINFORMADO

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