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Chen Qiulin

Nació en 1975 en Yichang, Hubei, China



Premios ganados
Premio LOOP Fair al mejor film

Ferias en las que participa con OBRA
Loop Fair 2021
Loop Fair 2019

Organizaciones con obra

Thyssen-Bornemisza Art Contemporary (TBA21)

Thyssen-Bornemisza Art Contemporary (TBA21)

Descripción del Artista

Chen Qiulin graduated from the printmaking department of the Sichuan Fine Arts Institute. She currently lives and works in Chengdu. Her works include video, photographs, installations and sculptures and they concern the social impact of China’s political, economic reforms and development. She has exhibited in the Today Art Museum, Beijing; University Art Museum, University of Albany; Max Protetch, New York; Long March Space, Beijing; Big Factory, Shanghai; and Internet Affairs, Chengdu. Her works were also showcased at Smart Museum of Art, University of Chicago; the 7th Gwangju Biennale; Astrup Fearnley Museum of Modern Art, Oslo; Albright-Knox Gallery and University of Buffalo Art Galleries, Buffalo, among others. In 2007, she was awarded an Asian Cultural Council grant.

Entrada actualizada el el 26 sep de 2019

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