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Bogumila Strojna




Galerías y otras organizaciones que le representan

Galerie Victor Sfez

Galerie Victor Sfez

Abstracción geométrica 

Descripción del Artista

Bogumila Strojna is a French/Polish artist living and working in France. For several years, she has exhibited in the Salon de Réalités Nouvelles where she is a member of the comity and the comity of the gallery Abstract Project, launched by the Salon in 2014. She is represented by Galerie Victor Sfez in Paris. Her work is in private collections including the Satoru Sato Art Museum (Tome City, Japan) and the collection of CCNOA (Center for Contemporary Non-Objective Art, Brussels, Belgium). She has made several monumental works in public spaces (Matour in Burgundy, Altier in Languedoc-Roussillon, Midi-Pyrenees) as well as projects for institutions in France (1% artistique à La Courneuve). She exhibits regularly in France (Galerie Victor Sfez, Galerie Olivier Nouvellet, ParisCONCRET, Abstract Project, Espace Christianne Peugeot, Hang Art), as well as internationally in Germany (Hamburg, Edges to Emptiness, open studio, Osnabruck, Hase29), the Netherlands (gallery EM in Drachten), Australia (Factory 49, SNO and Articulate Project Space in Sydney), China (Museum of Fine Arts, Beijing, Sculpture Art Museum, Qingdao, Shenyang, gallery 1905, Academy of Fine Arts), Poland (Elblag, Galeria EL, Kielce, Institute of Fine Arts, Katowice, University Gallery) and United States ( Portland, MECA, New York, Trestle Gallery). Her latest artist’s residency took place in Conacul, Romania, in 2015.

Exposiciones en las que ha participado como artista

Entrada actualizada el el 03 oct de 2019

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