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Anita Zabludowicz

Nació en Newcastle upon Tyne, Reino Unido



Premios ganados
18º Premios “A” al Coleccionismo

Artistas en su colección de arte

Adriano Costa

Adriano Costa

Ai Weiwei

Ai Weiwei

Albert Oehlen

Albert Oehlen

Fundadora en: Zabludowicz Collection  (Desde ene 1994)
Arte contemporáneo 

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Descripción del Profesional del arte

La Colección Zabludowicz se dedica a presentar arte emergente a nuevos públicos y apoyar activamente a las organizaciones de arte y artistas. Fue fundada por Poju y Anita Zabludowicz, en 1994 y posee más de 5.000 obras de 500 artistas, que abarcan 40 años de producción artística, con un enfoque en el arte desde fines del siglo XX hasta el presente. Desde el 2007 la colección permanece en un espacio de exhibición, de lo que fue una antigua iglesia metodista, ubicada en 176 Prince of Wales Road, en el norte de Londres, donde se trabaja con artistas, curadores y obras de la Colección Zabludowicz, para producir exposiciones que indaguen en la práctica del arte contemporáneo y presentar la colección a un foro público. La colección, además, se presenta en lugares permanentes de los Estados Unidos y Finlandia. El programa principal de exposiciones de la colección tiene lugar en su sede londinense, con cuatro proyectos al año. The Zabludowicz Collection is a philanthropic endeavour encompassing a dynamic and growing collection of art works with an associated programme of exhibitions and events in permanent venues in the UK, USA and Finland. As a living collection we are always looking to the future as well as safeguarding and conserving the past and have a long history of supporting public institutions and national collections. Anita Zabludowicz was born in Newcastle and now lives in London with her husband, Poju, and their four children. Anita studied Fine Art & History of Art in Newcastle's College of Arts & Technology and subsequently spent ten years working as a project manager in interior architecture before going back to study Modern Art & Auctioneering at Christies. Poju Zabludowicz was born in 1953 in Helsinki, Finland where he was schooled. He later graduated with a degree in Economics and Political Science from Tel Aviv University. Poju has led the global equity firm Tamares since 1990. Poju and Anita support a number of philanthropic activities and together they founded the Zabludowicz Collection in the early 1990s to collect international emerging contemporary art and support their ongoing philanthropic endeavours. They are active internationally and opened an exhibition space in the former Methodist Chapel at 176 Prince of Wales Road in 2007 with the aim to facilitate projects with artists and curators both in the UK and overseas. London Inaugurated in 2007, Zabludowicz Collection's London project space presents a varied programme of self-initiated group and solo exhibitions, commissions and residencies, drawing on works from the collection or new works by artists linked to the collection. The programme features initiatives supporting emerging artists and curators including the Invites series, which offers emerging artists without UK commercial gallery representation the opportunity to produce a solo exhibition and event, and Testing Ground, an annual season exploring art and education working with London's premier universities. The former Methodist chapel that houses the collection was built between 1867 and 1871, in the Corinthian style and was the main place of worship for the Methodist community in north London. In 1963, the building was taken over by the London Drama School, which pioneered the Russian branch of method acting in the UK. In 2004, when The London Drama Centre moved to new premises in Clerkenwell the building fell into disrepair. Zabludowicz Collection purchased the Grade II listed building in 2005 and it was restored with a minimum of interference to its natural fabric by Allford Hall Monaghan and Morris. It reopened to the public in September 2007 as the London home of the Zabludowicz Collection, its historical and layered architecture providing a rich and challenging space for the presentation of contemporary art. In 2010 the foyer was redesigned by Michael Marriott. Sarvisalo Since 2010 Zabludowicz Collection has initiated an international residency programme for invited artists on the island of Sarvisalo in Loviisa, Finland. The residency programme offers an open-ended and discursive environment for the production of art. Artists and practitioners from many disciplines spend up to a month researching and working on the island, sometimes producing works that remain in situ, or using the time to develop future projects and collaborations. These informal residencies take place across three locations on the island: the Carpenter's House, Herman's and Suvikunta, which retain the names and histories of their previous owners. The barns and house at Carpenter's were the first to be renovated and include a workshop that is for use by the residency artists. Herman's is located in Härkäpää, the main village of the island, this property features a central, lovingly restored 17th century wooden Manor House, a large gallery impeccably converted from a granite and wood barn, and numerous original and more contemporary farm buildings. The main house and the estate were founded in the mid-17th century by Zacharias Johannes Stacheus, vicar of the Pernå parish where Sarvisalo is located, later becoming a cavalry hall and accommodation for military men and their horses. The estate returned to the family of its founder in 1808 and eventually become a family home and working farm. Suvikunta is the largest and most recent addition to the collection's homes. It was acquired from one of Finland's largest publishing houses Werner Söderström Osakeyhtiö (WSOY), who had established it as a retreat for the company's staff and writers in 1937, and which continued to offer a peaceful environment to work until the company sold the property in 2010. Consisting of a main house with cooking, dining and dormitory facilities and a number of small sleeping cottages throughout the site, Suvikunta is the hub for the residencies. Works from the Collection are installed across all three locations and can be visited only by prior arrangement. Access is by appointment on designated Tour Days only. New York At the heart of New York City, on one of the busiest corners of Times Square, 1500 Broadway houses a selection of works from the Zabludowicz Collection. The programme at 1500 consists of temporary exhibitions and events. The lobby is open to the public during office hours. The iconic 34-storey skyscraper at 1500 Broadway was completed in 1972 by Arlen Realty & Development Corporation and features the iconic NASDAQ ticker tape that wraps around the 7th floor. The building was acquired by Tamares Real Estate in 1995 and is home to ABC's Good Morning America television show as well as Times Square Studios, Disney, NASDAQ, and the English-language newspaper China Daily.

Entrada actualizada el el 13 dic de 2020

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