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Animal Religion

Artista - Colectivo
Creado en 2012





Descripción del Artista

A performance group bringing together contemporary circus, dance and music to create works inspired by animal instinct and religion. The principal members are Niklas, born in Finland, who turns his hand to many things – acrobatics, tap dancing, juggling, magic, piano and musical compositions – and circus school graduate Quim, born in Spain who is also a searcher of clowns, percussion, astronomy and the movements of animals among other things. Their focus being the strange habits we constantly repeat in modern life, the pair will attempt to make the audience aware of the wildness and absurdness inside them. In 2013, the group won the Prize Zirkolika for the best emerging artistic circus in Catalonia. At Aichi Triennale 2016, they will perform in Toyohashi their work Chicken Legz in a reconstructed form, a thought-provoking outdoor work featuring acrobatics that they performed on farms in Spain and several other countries to great acclaim in 2014.

Exposiciones en las que ha participado como artista

Entrada actualizada el el 08 sep de 2016

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Recomendaciones ARTEINFORMADO

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Santander Emplea Cultura - 11 edición

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Exposición. 15 oct de 2024 - 16 feb de 2025 / Museo Nacional del Prado / Madrid, España

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