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Descripción del Artista
Ana Pérez - Quiroga (Coimbra, 1960) is a visual artist and performer. Graduated in Sculpture from the Universidade de Lisboa’s School of Fine Arts (FBAUL), she completed the Advanced Course in Visual Arts at Ar.Co (Lisbon, PT). She holds a Masters Degree in Intermedia - Visual Arts from the University of Évora (Évora, PT) and a PhD in Contemporary Art from the University of Coimbra (Coimbra, PT). She is a researcher at CHAIA - Center for History of Art and Artistic Research at the University of Évora.
Her work focuses essentially on installation, objects, photography and performance art, while her subjects range from everyday life and its mapping to the importance of common objects and gender issues. She exhibits regularly since 1999 having had solo exhibitions at the Chiado Museum - National Museum of Contemporary Art (Lisbon, PT), the National Museum of Ancient Art (Lisbon, PT), the Museum of Folk Art (Lisbon, PT), the Nogueira da Silva Museum (Braga, PT), the Neo-Realism Museum (Vila Franca de Xira, PT), the Convent of Christ (Tomar, PT), the Municipal Photographic Archive (Lisbon, PT), Quartel of Contemporary Art (Abrantes, PT) and MAAT - Museum of Art, Architecture and Technology (Lisbon, PT). She has taken part in group exhibitions at such institutions as Culturgest (Lisbon, PT), Museu do Chiado (Lisbon, PT), Palácio dos Duques (Guimarães, PT), Centro de Arte de Salamanca (Salamanca, ES), Falconer Gallery (Grinnell, Iowa, USA), China World Art Museum (Beijing, CHN) and Villa Savoye - Le Corbusier (Poissy, FR).
She has attended international residency programmes, with grants from the Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation, the Oriente Foundation, the Institut français du Portugal - Cité international des Arts and Criatório - Municipality of Porto.
She was FCT - Foundation for Science and Technology scholar between 2013 and 2017.
Her work is featured in several public and private collections, namely : National Museum of Contemporary Art - Museu do Chiado, Ar.Co - Centro de Arte e Comunicação Visual, Costa Rodrigues Collection, Figueiredo Ribeiro Collection, António Cachola Collection, Vieira de Almeida Collection, Municipality of Lisbon, Culturgest and EDP Foundation.
In 2015 she received the SPA Portuguese Society of Authors Prize for the 2014 Best Visual Arts Exhibition.
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