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Ana Cristina Cachola

Comisario, Galerista/Marchante, Investigador/Docente, Coleccionista
Nació en Portugal



Artistas comisariados
Cristina Ataíde en: A pedra só não voa porque não quer, 2023
Fábio Colaço en: Tomorrow, 2023
Rita GT en: Cum laude, 2021

Curadora/Co-responsable de su gestión en: Colecção António Cachola
Forma parte del colectivo en: Pipi Colonial
Arte contemporáneo  Arte iberoamericano 

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Descripción del Profesional del arte

Ana Cristina Cachola is co-founder of Diffractions – Graduate Journal for the Study of Culture, and a member of the Research Centre for Communication and Culture (CECC). She works as an independent curator and writes about contemporary art for several outlets. She is an Assistant Professor in the MA and PhD program in Culture Studies at the Lisbon Consortium (Catholic University or Portugal). She holds a PhD in Culture Studies and a Master degree in Communication and Cultural Management from the Catholic University of Portugal. She was awarded a stipend to conduct her doctoral research on representations of Portuguese cultural identity in contemporary art. She is currently developing a post-doc research on war and visuality in contemporary art with a grant of the Portuguese Science Foundation (FCT). She is also one of the members of the European Cooperation project 4Cs: from Conflict to Conviviality through Creativity and Culture, a 4-year long project co-funded by the European Commission through Creative Europe, and lead by Universidade Católica Portuguesa. The project brings together together institutional partners such as Tensta Kunsthall, SAVVY Contemporary – Laboratory of Form-Ideas, Royal College of Art, Fundació Antoni Tápies, Vilnius Academy of Fine Arts, Museet for Samtidskunst, and ENSAD to explore the role of artistic institutions on emerging forms of conflict. She is co-founder of Diffractions – Graduate Journal for the Study of Culture), and a member of the Research Centre for Communication and Culture (CECC). She works as an independent curator in Portugal and abroad (MAAT, Gulbenkian Foudation, Appleton Square, La Nave-Madrid, 50Golborne-London, etc.) and writes about contemporary art for several outlets. In 2016 she founded Pipi Colonial (Colonial Pussy) with Daniela Agostinho e Joana Mayer, a curatorial a research feminist collective. She is a member of the political and artistic collective Estrela Decadente since 2019. In 2020 she founded the independent curatorial feminist project quéréla, in Lisbon.

Exposiciones comisariadas
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Entrada actualizada el el 10 oct de 2023

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