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Amy Cheng

Comisario, Crítico/Periodista
Nació en Taiwán



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Arte contemporáneo 

Descripción del Profesional del arte

Amy Cheng (Taiwan) is a Taipei-based curator and writer. She co-founded TheCube Project Space in 2010, which serves as an independent art space devoted to the research, production and presentation of contemporary art in Taipei. She has curated various exhibitions including The Heard and the Unheard: Soundscape Taiwan, Collateral Event at the 54th International Art Exhibition of La Biennale di Venezia (2011), organized by the Taipei Fine Arts Museum of Taiwan, Re-envisioning Society (2011-2013). She also co-curated the 2004 Taipei Biennial, The 3rd Taiwan International Video Art Exhibition (2012) and ALTERing NATIVism – Sound Cultures in Post War Taiwan (2015).

Entrada actualizada el el 21 ene de 2021

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