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Amanda Sharp

Comisario, Gestor cultural



Co-fundadora en: Frieze Events Ltd  (Desde ene 2003)
Arte contemporáneo 


Descripción del Profesional del arte

She is co-publisher of Frieze and co-founder of Frieze Art Fair with his business partner Matthew Slotover. Sharp and Slotover were both appointed Officer of the Order of the British Empire (OBE) in the 2012 New Year Honours for services to the visual arts. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- About Frieze Frieze is a media and events company that comprises three publications, frieze magazine, Frieze Masters Magazine and Frieze Week; and three international art fairs, Frieze London, Frieze New York and Frieze Masters; a programme of courses and talks at Frieze Academy, and - the definitive resource for contemporary art and culture. History Frieze was founded in 1991 by Amanda Sharp, Matthew Slotover and Tom Gidley with the launch of frieze magazine, a leading magazine of contemporary art and culture. Sharp and Slotover established Frieze London in 2003, one of the world’s most influential contemporary art fairs which takes place each October in The Regent’s Park, London. In 2012, Frieze launched Frieze New York taking place in May; and Frieze Masters, which coincides with Frieze London in October and is dedicated to art from ancient to modern. In 2016, Frieze launched Frieze Academy, a year-round programme of talks and courses.

Entrada actualizada el el 26 feb de 2018

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Noticias relacionadas

Grandes Eventos, 27 feb de 2018

La británica Frieze refuerza su presencia en EE.UU. lanzándose a la conquista de Los Ángeles


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