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Nacida en Montevideo, Uruguay, en 1949, Mihai Gazcue adoptó ya en 1969 un abordaje conceptual cargado de referencias políticas, juegos de palabras y espíritu lúdico. La violencia de la dictadura militar uruguaya la obligó a exilarse en Europa a mediados de los 70. Luego de un paso por Suecia, se radicó en Rumania donde continuó desde entonces desarrollando su producción artística de manera silenciosa. En 1990 las artistas Liliana Porter y Ana Tiscornia la conocieron en ocasión de ser jurados de un premio de arte. Se mantuvieron en contacto y desde hace una década Porter y Tiscornia promueven globalmente la obra de Mihai Gazcue, que ha sido exhibida en la Bienal de Shanghai 2018, curada por Cuauhtemoc Medina; la Segunda Bienal de Performance de Buenos Aires, 2017; Boston Center for the Arts en una exhibición curada por José Luis Blondet; Museo Zorilla, Montevideo; Barbara Krakow Gallery, Boston; Espacio Mínimo, Madrid, entre otros.
Born in Uruguay in 1949, Alicia Mihai Gazcue was an early practitioner of the politically loaded and playful conceptualism which several pioneering Latin American artists became engaged with in the late 60s and 70s. During the violent military dictatorship in Uruguay Alicia went into exile in Romania, and silently continued her art practice for many years, always emphasizing the conceptual slant in her approach. In 1990 artists Liliana Porter and Ana Tiscornia met Alicia Mihai Gazcue in Cuba, while being jurors for an art award. They continued to be in touch throughout the years and for the past decade they have been promoting Mihai Gazcue’s work globally, helping her reach new audiences. Some of the most prominent curators specializing in Latin American art have exhibited her work or written about it.
She has participated in the 12th Shanghai Biennial, 2018, curated by Cuauhtemoc Medina, and the Second Performance Biennial, Buenos Aires, 2017. Her work has been exhibited at the Boston Center for the Arts in a show curated by Jose Luis Blondet; MAK Center for Art and Architecture, Los Angeles; Barbara Krakow Gallery, Boston; among other cultural centers and galleries.
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Formación. 01 oct de 2024 - 04 abr de 2025 / PHotoEspaña / Madrid, España