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Alex Villar

Nació en 1962 en Brasil



Fotografía  Instalacion  Video arte 

Descripción del Artista

Born in Brazil in 1962, based in New York, MFA from Hunter College 98 and Whitney ISP fellow 2000. Work draws from interdisciplinary theoretical sources; it employs video, installation and photography. Individual and collaborative projects are part of a long-term investigation of potential spaces of dissent in the urban landscape; it has often taken the form of an exploration of negative spaces in architecture. Selected exhibitions: New Museum, Mass MoCA, Drawing Center, Exit Art, Stux Gallery, Apexart and Dorsky Gallery in New York; Institute of International Visual Arts in London, Museu de Arte Moderna in Sao Paulo, Galleri Tommy Lund and Overgaden in Copenhagen, UKS in Oslo, Contemporary Art Centre in Vilnius, the Goteborg Konstmuseum in Sweeden, Galerie Joanna Kamm in Berlin, Signal in Malmo, Galeria Arsenal in Poland, Lichthaus in Bremen and Halle für Kunst in Luneburg. Published articles and reviews in ReMarx, Text zur Kunst, Tema Celeste and New York Times.

Entrada actualizada el el 01 oct de 2012

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