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Alberto Pitta

Nació en 1961 en Salvador, Bahia, Brasil


Profesionales que le han comisariado
Vik Muniz en: outros carnavais, 2024

Ferias en las que participa con OBRA
Art Basel Miami Beach 2024
ArtRio 2024
The Armory Show 2024

Galerías y otras organizaciones que le representan

Galeria Nara Roesler

Galeria Nara Roesler



Descripción del Artista

Pitta's work is mostly centered on textiles and silkscreen, though he has also explored painting and sculpture in recent years. With a more than four decades-long career, Alberto Pitta's production is closely linked to popular festivities and dialogues with other spheres such as that of garments. His work also gained a strong public dimension as he created prints for Salvador's Afro Carnival parades including that of Olodum, Filhos de Gandhy, and his own, Cortejo Afro. Alberto Pitta has participated in important exhibitions in Brazil and internationally. His solo shows include Mariwó, at Paulo Darzé Galeria (2023), in Salvador, and Eternidade Soterrada, organized by Carmo & Johnson Projects (2022) in São Paulo, Brazil. His group exhibitions notably include his participation in the 24th Biennale of Sydney (2024); O Quilombismo, at Haus der Kulturen der Welt, in Berlin, Germany (2023); Encruzilhada, at the Salvador Museum of Modern Art (2022), in Salvador, Brazil, and Um Defeito de Cor, at the Rio Art Museum (2022), Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. His work is included in institutional collections such as: Instituto Inhotim, Brumadinho, Brazil; Museu de Arte do Rio, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil and Museu de Arte Moderna da Bahia, Salvador, Brazil.

Exposiciones en las que ha participado como artista
Stirring the pot
Alberto Pitta e Vik Muniz em Salvador, Bahia. 2024. Fotos: Flavio Freire. Cortesia do artista e Nara Roesler

Entrada actualizada el el 18 jun de 2024

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