
Alberto Cruz

República Dominicana
Alberto Cruz
Reside en República Dominicana
Enlaces oficiales:
Descripción del Profesional del arte
Activo coleccionista de arte desde 1989. Expert in Investments, mergers and acquisitions, and partner of top enterprises in Dominican Republic and Central America. Has more than 25 years of experience in corporate finance & investments, as well as great academic preparation in the financial, administrative and capital markets areas. Founding Partner and President of Excel Group Investments, Ltd., firm dedicated to investment banking activities, comprised by Excel Puesto de Bolsa, Excel Fondos, Excel Consulting and Excel Capital. Since 2002, he has propelled the group’s development in various units of business and acted as advisor in investments and operations of corporative finance for some of the most important companies and families of the Dominican Republic, as well as institutional investors and foreign companies. Directing Partner of Grupo Humano, Dominican Republic´s largest insurance company in the health sector, with more than 15 years in the Dominican market offering integral specialized solutions in health ... and life insurances through Primera ARS. President of the Council of Directors of Humano Insurance Company´s subsidiaries in Dominican Republic and Panama, and Director of its subsidiary in El Salvador. He has taken part of the Council of Directors of various corporations, including but not limited to: Coral Hospitality Corporation. Parque Industrial Zona Franca Las Américas, S. A. DR Americas’ Investment Company-Investment Fund. Previous Vice-President and Executive Director of a banking institution in the Dominican Republic from 1995 to 2002. In 1994 worked in an institution in Phoenix, Arizona, USA, as an Associate - Investment Bank for Latin America. In 1987 begins his professional career in the financial area as: Financial Manager of a business group with interests in importation of automobiles, tourism, and financial services, and as an independent Auditor for various institutions in the Dominican Republic.



Entrada actualizada el el 13 dic de 2020

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29 ago de 2024 - 28 sep de 2024

Juan Silió / Santander, Cantabria, España

15 oct de 2024 - 30 jun de 2024

Museo Nacional Thyssen-Bornemisza / Madrid, España

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