Comisario, Investigador/Docente

Adjoa Jones de Almeida

Adjoa Jones de Almeida
Reside en Nueva York, New York, Estados Unidos
Actividad vigente:
Subdirectora de aprendizaje e impacto social EN:
Desde jul 2021
Enlaces oficiales:
Descripción del Profesional del arte
Adjoa Jones de Almeida serve as deputy director for learning and social impact in the Brooklyn Museum, since July of 2021. Before that Adjoa Jones de Almeida was the Director of Education at the Brooklyn Museum. After graduating from Brown University in 1995, she received a Fulbright scholarship to research community schools and cultural identity in Bahia, Brazil. As a result of that research, she later published the article, Unveiling the Mirror: Afro-Brazilian Identity and the Emergence of a Community School Movement (2003, Comparative Educational Review). In 1996 she moved to Brooklyn, NY where she worked as a high-school teacher and helped to create Sista II Sista (SIIS), a women’s collective dedicated to supporting young women of color in developing personal and collective power. Reflecting on her experiences working over 10 years with that organization, she contributed to the award-winning anthology, The Revolution Will Not Be Funded: Beyond the Non-Profit Industrial ... Complex (2007, Boston: South End Press). In 2005, she earned her Master’s from Columbia University/Teacher’s College in International Education Development where she focused on popular education movements. From 2006-2013 she lived in Arembepe, Bahia where she co-founded a community based organization, Diáspora Solidária, committed to social & environmental justice, artistic expression and youth development. She began her work at the Brooklyn Museum in 2013 as Museum Educator. She was the School Partnerships Coordinator from 2014-2015, became the Museum Education Fellowship Coordinator from 2015-2016, and was promoted to Director of Education in November 2016. She is 2017 92Y/Women in Power Catherine Hannah Behrend Fellow. You can follow Adjoa on Tumblr and Instagram.



Entrada actualizada el el 24 ene de 2022

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