Muni. Stud#1560. Zoo de Barcelona (detalle) Verónica Perales Blanco
2011 Pierre Noire sobre madera preparada, obra sin fijar.
105 x 150 cm
This artwork is part of "Grandes simios en femenino" (2008-2011), the portraits of all the female Gorilla-Gorilla in Spain during that period. “ If we feel our lives to be something more than a succession of hedonistic distractions then it is crucial that we reconnect with the biosphere.” (Perales, 2016). This project has been supported by the Great Apes Project.
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CRÉDITOS: "Muni. Stud#1560. Zoo de Barcelona" (detalle), from "Grandes Simios en Femenino" serie (2008-2011)