Extrusión 1
Verónica Lehner

Cerámica y granito
58 x 29 x 29 cm

This piece was made for the site of La Casita, housing the collection of the Chehebar family in Bogotá. The exhibition is based on the idea of the fold, and how the different elements and pieces composing it as well as each of the objects and paintings give way to new ones. The architecture unfolds, volumes extrude from the floor made of the same material, objects are cast from discarded objects and produced in shiny, white ceramic and surfaces of paint describe architectural interventions.

Verónica Lehner

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Verónica Lehner
Nació en 1980 en Cali, Valle del Cauca, Colombia. Reside en Berlin, Alemania
Publicada el 17 may de 2017

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Extrusión 1 (2017) - Verónica Lehner


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