Health Care
Nathalie Daoust

Hahnemühle FineArt
70 x 50 cm

In 1947, free healthcare was introduced for all citizens in North Korea, but the system col- lapsed in the late eighties. Many hospitals operate without electricity or heat and all patients have to buy their own medicines. While visiting a hospital we were told that no handicap children were born in North Korea since the 1950’s due to their strong genes. Note: A North Korean doctor who defected, Ri Kwang-chol, has claimed that babies born with physical defects are rapidly put to death and buried.

Nathalie Daoust

En venta:
1.300 EUR

Nathalie Daoust
Nació en 1977 en Montreal, Quebec, Canadá. Reside en Berlin, Alemania
Publicada el 27 nov de 2017

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Health Care (2016) - Nathalie Daoust


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