Amusement Park
Nathalie Daoust

Hahnemühle FineArt
70 x 50 cm

Kaeson Park is North Korea’s equivalent of Disney World and dates back to 1984. It o ers ten or so roller coaster rides, providing a rare situation in which the government actually encour- ages leisure and enjoyment. However, the rides are said to cost more than half an average monthly salary which clearly puts them beyond the reach of most of the local population. Note: It has been reported that in order to ensure safety, the rusted roller coasters are regularly tested by local farmers.

Nathalie Daoust

En venta:
Obra no en venta

Nathalie Daoust
Nació en 1977 en Montreal, Quebec, Canadá. Reside en Berlin, Alemania
Publicada el 27 nov de 2017

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Amusement Park (2016) - Nathalie Daoust


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