"The Siege Of Lisbon" (2022) - Maria Sobral Mendonça
CRÉDITOS: Photo by Nuno De Albuquerque
"The Siege Of Lisbon" (2022)
Acrylic On Canvas. 200 x 130 cm
"Among the long-term exhibition at the Museum of Lisbon - Pimenta Palace, the museum highlights the work of visual artist Maria Sobral Mendonça, which portrays a turning point in the history of Lisbon. In this interpretation of the episode, the artist places D. Afonso Henriques at the centre, drawing his sword. At the top, the triangular band in yellow represents the religious devotion that enlightens Christendom.
Ofrecida por Maria Sobral Mendonça
En venta
18.000 EUR

Publicada el 25 mar de 2024

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