God in us
Leonardo Rosenzweig Curiel - Leonin

7200 x 6000 cm

"The ones who look for God, God will be manifesting trough them. This is a vision and moment that I have in this meditation, where I ascend in my inner temple to be more sensible to the God's guidance, receiving all of its manifestation in me. This meditation came from the Rosicrucian Order. This artwork also means any other interpretations that you give, event if it is opposite, its correct too, what I said about this artwork is my perception of it, not its interpretation." - Leonardo de Cristo.

Leonardo Rosenzweig Curiel - Leonin

En venta:
8.285 USD

Leonardo Rosenzweig Curiel - Leonin
Nació en 1998. Reside en Tijuana, Baja California, México

Publicada el 16 mar de 2023

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God in us (2022) - Leonardo Rosenzweig Curiel - Leonin
CRÉDITOS: Rosacruces