Materiales de Construcción Pabellón Español Lara Almarcegui
2013 instalacion
An intervention consisting of mounds made up of the exact amounts of the same materials used to build the pavilion itself: 254 m3 of bricks, 101 m3 of concrete, 49 m3 of cement, 49 m3 of lumber, 2 m2 of glass, 1 m3 of roof tiles, 2.6 tonnes of iron, and 17 tonnes of pre-cast cement blocks. The materials were sourced from the remains of demolitions and recycled into gravel in accordance with standard Venetian practice.
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CRÉDITOS: Materiales de Construcción del Pabellón Español, Bienal de Venecia, 2013 ( foto de Ugo Carmeni)