Sin título, de la Serie, Los Románticos Ángeles de la Tierra. Jose Ney Mila Espinosa
1991 papel al bromuro de plata
30 x 40 cm
Colectiva Internacional: ¨Under the Cuban Sun¨. Florida Museum of Photographic Arts, Tampa. EE.UU. 2017 y Throckmorton Fine Art. New York. EE.UU. 2016. (Libro: “Under the Cuban Sun (1930-2016)”; The Menil Collections (Fotofest) “The New Generatión: Contemporary Cuba Photography from the Island, 1980 to the present” Fotofest. Houston, EE.UU. Colección: The Museum of Fine Art Houston. EE.UU. 1994; Throckmorton Fine Art. New York. EE.UU. 1994 y Southeast Museum of Photography, Florida, EE.UU. 1994.
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