Talking with the Seed / Conversando con la Semilla (2020)
Lienzo. 91 x 122 cm

Jesús F. Torres Alfonso - Zaplaflora

Nació en 1960 en Cuba. Reside en Miami, Florida, Estados Unidos
This painting is inspired in the close dialogue established between the Nature´s flora and men communicating themselves thanks to Nature beauties. This painting demanded much detailed work, inspiration and imagination while creating it. There you can see two figurative faces establishing a dialogue about Nature and, particularly, about the seeds of love to be planted in the Earth, represented here as a colorful cloud full of flowery images.
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2.367 EUR

Publicada el 19 abr de 2022

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  • Talking about the Jungle / Conversando..., 2012
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  • The Messengers of the Tree of Life..., 2011
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  • "Amazonian Rainforest" / Colección..., 2015
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28 nov de 2023 - 31 ago de 2024

Madrid, España

10 jul de 2024 - 29 sep de 2024

Museo de Pontevedra - Edificio Fernández López / Pontevedra, España

09 sep de 2024 - 17 sep de 2024

Valle del Nansa / Santander, Cantabria, España

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