Voyage Picturesque through Brazil # 80 (2016)
Fotografia. 100 x 200 cm
By taking inspiration from the images created by artists that first came to Brazil at the beginning of the XIX century to document the landscape, Cássio revisits the forests to reconstruct a system of identity in which he recreates images that share the emotion of the painters as Rugendas, Debret, and Clarac. The result of this intervention allows for a picturesque feeling of the forests in their purest state, as recorded in the early times, creating a fantasy between the past and the present.
Ofrecida por Cássio Vasconcellos
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  • Dryads 15, 2020
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  • Dryads 11, 2020
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  • A Picturesque Voyage through Brazil..., 2016
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  • A Picturesque Voyage Through Brazil..., 2015
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28 nov de 2023 - 31 ago de 2024

Madrid, España

10 jul de 2024 - 29 sep de 2024

Museo de Pontevedra - Edificio Fernández López / Pontevedra, España

09 sep de 2024 - 17 sep de 2024

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