She got off the road when she heard the car, and took the path through the woods
Carolyn Marks Blackwood

157 x 157 cm

Obra perteneciente a The Story Series de la fotógrafa, productora, guionista y escritora Carolyn Marks Blackwood.

Blanca Berlín

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Carolyn Marks Blackwood
Nació en 1951 en Estados Unidos
Publicada el 21 nov de 2019

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She got off the road when she heard the car, and took the path through the woods (2015) - Carolyn Marks Blackwood
CRÉDITOS: Carolyn Marks Blackwood. She got off the road when se heard the car, and took the path through the woods, 2015. The Story Series. Cortesía Galería Blanca Berlín.


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