" Time Object # 101" da serie "Nada de Novo Debaixo do Céu?"
Ana Lima-Netto

Aluminium net
40 x 40 x 40 cm

From the series " Nothing New Under The Sky?" this work, carried out through a strip of aluminum mesh, creates its three-dimensionality and support by wrapping the piece on itself and subtracting wires, thus showing several layers of transparency and an indecipherable net of lines. It is a work that aims to reflect on time, not as a relative duration of things, but as a constant and incessant cycle, full of lightness, hardness and ambiguity.

Ana Lima-Netto

En venta:
1.700 EUR

Nothing New Under The Sky ? (2021)

Ana Lima-Netto
Nació en 1960 en Lisboa, Portugal. Reside en Portugal
Publicada el 20 feb de 2021

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" Time Object # 101" da serie "Nada de Novo Debaixo do Céu?" (2021) - Ana Lima-Netto


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