" Group Object # 206" da serie " The Unpredictability of Things"
Ana Lima-Netto

hot glue, iron.
400 x 45 x 15 cm

Consisting of cylinders woven in hot glue, this piece can take various forms as a whole, without however deforming each unit. It is intended to propose a reflection on the idea of the whole, as the multiple of parts, where its shape is dependent on the existing plans / barriers in space.

Ana Lima-Netto

En venta:
Obra no en venta

Ana Lima-Netto
Nació en 1960 en Lisboa, Portugal. Reside en Portugal
Publicada el 20 feb de 2021

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" Group Object # 206" da serie " The Unpredictability of Things" (2017) - Ana Lima-Netto


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