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Where from and where to

Exposición / CORPO - Antiguo Convento de Santa Fe / Paseo del Miradero, 1 / Toledo, España
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23 mar de 2021 - 23 mar de 2022

23 mar de 2021

Organizada por:
Colección Roberto Polo. Centro de Arte Moderno y Contemporáneo de Castilla-La Mancha (CORPO)

Artistas participantes:
Isabel Muñoz
Video arte  Video arte en Toledo 


Descripción de la Exposición

These complementary installations are jointly titled Where from and where to and deal with the theme of the world’s creation as well as with the story of Adam and Eve. The wall in gallery 1 demarcated the Alficén (defensive wall) of the Islamic city of Toledo between the IXth and XIth centuries. It is now the artist’s support to project scenes that turn around the world’s creation expressed through the aquatic gestures of Japanese Butoh dancers. These imaginings narrate the birth of life over seven days spanning seven minutes in the artist’s video. Isabel Muñoz (Barcelona, 1951; National Photography Award of Spain in 2016) metamorphoses the wall into a universe; creatures of amorphous shapes emerge from emptiness —they dance their encounter with the Other and their inexorable return to the primeval void. “It is a kind of void that communicates with nothingness, which is probably what we are, the place where we come from and where we go: the inexplicable nothingness”. This is the reflection that the artist proposes, rescued from time remote and brought to the present, a reflection on the Other, the passage of time and spirituality, or the meaning of life. Under the dome of a Mudéjar chapel (gallery 5 of this museum), next to a work which Muñoz considers her self-portrait, the artist has installed three plasma screens forming a semicircle. Here she narrates the story of Adam and Eve (or maybe it should be written Eve and Adam), the beginning of good and evil, light and darkness. In the centre, like a Christ pantocrator, a pendulum, a diapason of life. On both sides, the seven ages of man, again narrated by the movements of these Butoh dancers. And a question: what happens when two beings merge, love each other, suffer and, at a certain point, the diapason indicates their end?

Imágenes de la Exposición
Isabel Muñoz — Cortesía de Colección Roberto Polo. Centro de Arte Moderno y Contemporáneo de Castilla-La Mancha (CORPO)

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