Exposición en Almada, Setubal, Portugal

What's left?

Camera Infinita / Rua de Olivença, 6 – 1º Esqº / Almada, Setubal, Portugal
01 nov de 2016 - 15 nov de 2016
01 nov de 2016
Organizada por:
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Descripción de la Exposición

This is a selection of photos taken by Simon Deadman over the past two years. Taken on road trips, long walks and from the side of the road on the way to work, these photos are intended to provoke the viewer to ask questions about the Australian landscape. His photos are often described as evoking a sense of emptiness and stillness. This partly due to most of them being taken in and around Perth, one of the most isolated cities in the world. Simon's favourite photographic subjects are the mundane and every day, the unnoticed places and forgotten things. Suburban streets, houses, street corners, quiet industrial areas on Sunday afternoons. He is particularly drawn to minimal scenes, or everyday scenes with an undertone of surreality. As Robert Adams said: "To the extent that life seems a process in which everything is taken away, minimal landscapes are places where we live out with greater than usual awareness our search for an exception, for what is not taken away."

Entrada actualizada el el 04 nov de 2016

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