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Vânia Mignone

Exposición / Casa Triângulo / Rua Estados Unidos 1324 / São Paulo, Sao Paulo, Brasil
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11 may de 2021 - 12 jun de 2021

08 may de 2021

De martes a sábado de 10 a 19 h.

Entrada gratuita

Organizada por:
Casa Triângulo

Artistas participantes:
Vânia Mignone

Pintura  Pintura en Sao Paulo 


Descripción de la Exposición

Casa Triângulo is pleased to present Vânia Mignone's twelfth solo exhibition at the gallery, coinciding with the launch of the artist's new book. The publication, artist's first monograph, was edited by Piña Cultura and has an introductory text and an interview with the curator Gabriel Pérez-Barreiro. Vânia Mignone is recognized for her paintings that explore an infinite and particular universe, but which, when meeting the eyes of the observer, end up becoming plural. There is no way to confront the artist's work without confronting yourself. In her portrayals, there is a strong resemblance to photography; the cutout of an ephemeral scene is worked on and imbued with meanings that not only show an intense questioning about the human, but also make one reflect on yourself. The artist brings to the light of consciousness situations and moments that are seemingly casual, but carry a hidden narrative that she is keen to explore. Mignone shows through her works the discomfort in what is already known and familiar to us. Through her clippings and collages, Vânia brings depth to what is placed on the artist's observing magnifying glass that actively scrutinize it down; she completes it with words and symbols, as observed by Gabriel Pérez-Barreiro: “the text also plays a central role in Mignone's work. Almost all paintings include a word or a short phrase that is never descriptive, but always highly evocative. Such words serve almost as musical lyrics for a visual composition and bring references that are poetic and expansive. These statements are an integral part of the work, incorporated into the composition, and act as inseparable elements in our visual reading of the work as a whole. The words are not subtitles or titles, but something between them, with physical weight and an atmospheric presence that make them an effective part of the scene they are in”. The exhibition will consist of recent works and also the ones published in the book, allowing a visual immersion on its trajectory. VÂNIA MIGNONE [Campinas, 1967. Lives and works in Campinas] has a degree in advertising and marketing from Pontifícia Universidade Católica de Campinas, SP, Brazil, e also a degree in Artistic Education from UNICAMP, Campinas, SP, Brazil. In 2016 received the Jabuti Award at illustration category. Among her solo exhibitions, the following stand out: “Ecos”, at Museu de Artes Visuais da UNICAMP, in Campinas, SP, Brazil, in 2019; “Eu poderia ficar quieta mas não vou”, curated by Danillo Villa, at SESC Presidente Prudente, in São Paulo, SP, Brazil, and Vânia Mignone, at Casa Triângulo, in São Paulo, SP, Brazil, both in 2017. She took part in several group exhibitions: “1981/2021: Arte Contemporânea Brasileira Na Coleção Andrea e José Olympio Pereira”, curated by Raphael Fonseca, at Centro Cultural Banco do Brasil, in Rio de Janeiro, RJ, Brazil, in 2021; “Proximidades Desiguais”, at Pavão Cultural, in Campinas, SP, Brazil, and “Dia, noite, noite” works from the collection of Andréa e José Olympio Pereira, curated by Júlia Rebouças, Galpão da Lapa, in São Paulo, SP, Brazil, both in 2020; “Itinerâncias – 33a Bienal de São Paulo - Afinidades Afetivas”, curated by Gabriel Pérez-Barreiro, in Campinas, Brasília, Porto Alegre and Vitória, Brazil, and also “Inequívoco”, at Fundación Canaria para el Desarrollo de la Pintura, in Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, Spain, both in 2019; 33a Bienal de São Paulo - Afinidades Afetivas, curated by Gabriel Pérez-Barreiro, Fundação Bienal, in São Paulo, SP, Brazil, in 2018. Her works are part of collections such as: The UBS Art Collection; Museu Afro Brasil; Museu de Arte Moderna de São Paulo; Pinacoteca do Estado de São Paulo and at Coleção Gilberto Chateaubriand of Museu de Arte Moderna do Rio de Janeiro, among others.

Entrada actualizada el el 12 may de 2021

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