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viennacontemporary 2024

Feria de arte / Messe Wien Halle D / Trabrennstraße 7 / Vienna, Wien, Austria
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12 sep de 2024 - 15 sep de 2024

12 sep de 2024

Organizada por:
VC Artevents

Artistas participantes:
Gil Heitor Cortesão, Isabel Cordovil, Julião Sarmento, Santiago Talavera

Galerías participantes:
3+1 Arte Contemporánea, Galería Pedro Cera, Victor Lope Arte Contemporaneo



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pdf 3+1 Arte Contemporânea en viennacontemporary 2024

Descripción de la Exposición

Austria’s leading fair for contemporary art, viennacontemporary, is pleased to announce a lineup of over 90 exhibitors from more than 20 countries for its 10th anniversary edition, taking place from 12-15 September at Messe Wien Halle D. For its 2024 iteration, viennacontemporary will feature a wide range of exhibitors, from the USA to Singapore, and maintain its unique focus on the dynamic and emerging art markets of Central and Eastern Europe (CEE). Inspired by Vienna's central Europe location, viennacontemporary highlights the artists and galleries based here and brings them together with galleries from further afield: while one third of the exhibitors are Viennese and Austrian, another third are from the wider CEE region, with the rest hailing from all over the globe – with significant representation from Italy – all in all making it the ideal art fair for discoveries. This 10th-anniversary edition is particularly notable as it takes place for the first time under the artistic direction of Francesca Gavin. Gavin's vision for the upcoming edition is for an expanded fair that maximizes Vienna's central Europe location, showcasing the incredible artists and galleries coming out of the region in a series of curated sections including VCT STATEMENT: ENERGY, a new section titled CONTEXT, and the regular highlight ZONE1, which presents ten solo shows of young talents under 40 with a strong connection to Austria. This year’s ZONE1 will be curated by Bruno Mokross and will examine what attracts international artists to Vienna and how the living conditions in the city affect their artistic practice with ten solo exhibitions of emerging artists. The VCT STATEMENT section is this year curated by Mirela Baciak who presents an exhibition titled The Colors of Energy that looks at how energy colors our past, present, and future and explores our entanglements with sun and wind as well as oil, coal, gas, and metals – showing how the different intensities of energy connect politics and cultures. The CONTEXT section revisits overlooked artists from the late 20th century, focusing on women and those from CEE countries, curated by Pernilla Holmes. The artist list will be published in late June.

Entrada actualizada el el 16 sep de 2024

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