Descripción de la Exposición
The ceramics, sculptures and prints gathered together for this exhibition reflect personal views of cityscapes and urban stories. The works are intended to make stories of ostensibly historical events that serve to unfold as part of a worldview. Monsalvatje and Davis-Benavides separately record observations of places or events that have attracted their attention. Through their experiences and observations they intuitively build urban mythologies.
The work in this exhibition is rooted in, but not limited to, the art and culture of the native environments where each artist grew up - Monsalvatje in Valencia, Spain and Davis-Benavides in Lima, Peru. Their work is not necessarily the representation of a specific city, place or country, more likely it is all of them - an amalgamation constructed through experience and memory, perhaps after hearing the news on the radio or looking out of the window of a moving car as they travel through their urban environments.
Monsalvatje and Davis-Benavides met in 2008 in the Fule International Ceramics Art Museum in Shaanxi province, China where they spent four weeks working alongside other Spanish and South-American artists during an intensive artist residency in a large brick factory located in Fuping, an old industrial town in central China. During that experience both artists discovered a kinship in their inspiration from the layers of urban history, industrial sites and the human stories that are born from such environments. “Urban Myths” brings together the separate visions of these artists with their individual histories, but shared inspirations
Premio. 13 mar de 2025 - 27 abr de 2025 / Madrid, España
Componer Saberes para imaginar y construir futuros sostenibles
Exposición. 10 mar de 2025 - 22 jun de 2025 / Museo Nacional del Prado / Madrid, España
Cambio de forma: Mito y metamorfosis en los dibujos romanos de José de Madrazo
Formación. 01 oct de 2024 - 04 abr de 2025 / PHotoEspaña / Madrid, España