Descripción de la Exposición
Exploring individual memory through archives, found objects, diaries, drawings and video records, artist Bruno Ollé works with painting, video, text, sculpture and installation.
He is interested in investigating the relocation of objects and collects experiences from his environment. His processes are open in time and do not have a beginning or an end.
In this Solo Exhibition, "Under the skin", the artist presents site-specific drawings and a series of sculptures that invade the space. The drawings/paintings are the central axis of the show. In addition, there are two large format paintings and some smaller sketches.
Everything starts from the same base, the same material with which the artists plays and forms each different piece, whether they are drawings, objects or installations.
The works are shown on a wall constructed by the artist in this material, a double skin that partially covers the gallery. The same material that is the wall becomes the paintings that superimpose it. A site-specific monumental artwork, that is between painting and installation.
Starting from an emotional search and not from a rational or justified perspective, the work by the artist is nourished by the constant contradictions of life, fears, embarrassments and imposture.
Exposición. Desde 13 mar de 2025 / CAM - Centro de Arte Moderna - Fundação Calouste Gulbenkian / Lisboa, Portugal
Exposición. Desde 15 mar de 2025 / Avenida Visconde de Valmor - Lisboa / Lisboa, Portugal