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Transocean Express

Exposición / Galería Presença / Rúa Miguel Bombarda, 570 / Oporto, Porto, Portugal
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18 ene de 2020 - 07 mar de 2020

18 ene de 2020 / 16:00

Martes - Viernes 10:00 - 12:30, 15:00 - 19:00 / Sabado 15:00 - 19:00

Entrada gratuita

Comisariada por:
Alexandre Melo

Organizada por:
Galería Presença

Artistas participantes:
João Pedro Vale, Nikolaj Bendix Skyum Larsen, Nuno Alexandre Ferreira, Paulo Nazareth, Runo Lagomarsino, Wantanee Siripattananuntakul

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Correo electrónico
Arte digital  Arte digital en Porto  Diseño  Diseño en Porto  Escultura  Escultura en Porto  Fotografía  Fotografía en Porto  Instalación  Instalación en Porto  Pintura  Video arte 


Descripción de la Exposición

In the context of a world and culture in the process of globalization, it is necessary to break with strict notions of cultural identity based on strict geographical belonging, mythical substantial contents or abstract symbolic essences. The collapse of fixed and substantial identities is the result of the impact of massive migrations, the planetary structure of the means of social communication and the cultural industries, the cosmopolitan nature of more dynamic artistic creations and the intensity of cultural exchanges, confrontations and miscegenations that result from all these phenomena. It is about replacing a substantial conception of identity as heritage for a dynamic conception of identity as a process, built on notions such as translation, voyage and diaspora. Identity is permanent negotiation. Identity, today, is no longer, maybe, an identity. Perhaps it never was. The artists, namely the artists gathered in this exhibition, due to the nature of the ways of imagination and creativity inherent to their activities, offer us privileged occasions to leave our very tiny day-to-day world and take on the challenge of accompanying them in their journeys and geographical and metaphorical metamorphoses that animate their works and give us, all of us, excitement to see and live the world beyond every boarder. The defense of an open and complex political and theoretical position, in line with the global dynamics of the contemporary world, means that all identities are constructed and reconstructed, in a process of movement and adjustment, in which we are simultaneously ourselves and all others, inhabiting a virtual place of translation between different spaces, times, memories and imaginations. Let’s call it the transoceanic place of crossing. TRANSOCEANEXPRESS - Alexandre Melo

Entrada actualizada el el 16 ene de 2020

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