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Todo cabe en un segundo

Exposición / Miriam Gallery / 319 Bedford Ave, Williamsburg / Nueva York, New York, Estados Unidos
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21 sep de 2023 - 18 nov de 2023

21 sep de 2023

Entrada gratuita

Organizada por:
Miriam Gallery

Artistas participantes:



Descripción de la Exposición

Based on the written tale 'Todo cabe en un segundo/Everything can fit in a second', Relámpago expanded ideas into a custom carved wood block typeface and a subsequent series of letterpress posters called Cerrajero (Locksmith). Using a dot and an elongated rectangle, which resembles a door lock and key hole, Cerrajero typeface employs a process of modulation, creating endless possibilities and combinations in which to construct its characters. The portal-like installation is hung from floor-to-ceiling in Miriam's back gallery. At the center of the gallery stands two wooden totems, adorned with carved Cerrajero characters, surrounded by walls that resemble an alphabet soup. The installation creates a game questioning space and time, leaving the viewer in search of the unrevealed. [For those unfamiliar, wooden letterpress is a traditional printing technique in which hand carved wooden blocks, bearing individual characters, can be moved and assembled in any combination. Once set, the combination produces a printed character when inked and pressed on paper. Each print is hand pressed and pulled.] All artworks were printed and produced in Bogotá, Colombia.

Entrada actualizada el el 29 sep de 2023

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