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The size plus the size of the sample

Exposición / Studio Sandra Recio - [ESPACIO CERRADO] / Ports Francs Genève. Route des Jeunes 4ter. CH-1227 / Geneva, Geneve, Suiza
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26 sep de 2013 - 29 nov de 2013

26 sep de 2013

Organizada por:
Studio Sandra Recio



Descripción de la Exposición

Through photography, drawings, sculptures and installations, Cecchini seeks to complicate our perception of reality: construction and deconstruction, the natural and the artificial, reality and fiction, leaving the spectator in a state of suspension, as if waiting for something. As he described his design in 2010: ?The deconstruction and reconstruction of familiar models has always interested me very much, in particular because this permits the imagination to drift between poetic, utopic and absurd territories.?

Entrada actualizada el el 03 jun de 2014

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