Exposición en Ciudad de México, Distrito Federal, México

Swimming with Sharks

Galería Breve [ESPACIO CERRADO] / Colima 256, Colonia Roma / Ciudad de México, Distrito Federal, México
18 abr de 2017 - 30 abr de 2017
18 abr de 2017
Entrada gratuita
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Descripción de la Exposición

Swimming with Sharks‘ is the second solo presentation of Keef Winter in Galeria Breve. Winter will install a site-specific installation in Breve screening off one side of the space from the other. Winter’s work seeks to embody a state of transformation that is birthed from symbolic and physical enactments of rupture. In the destruction of a fence or hoarding, a petrol bomb to a peace wall, a brick to a riot shield, a smashed shop window in a protest, the surfaces that are the first to be struck are the elements that form Winter’s material language. On the opening night Winter will make a veiled drone performance from within the screened enclosure chanting and summoning the spirit of the space.

Entrada actualizada el el 19 abr de 2017

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