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Superreal: alternative realities in photography and video

Exposición / El Museo del Barrio / 1230 Fifth Avenue (en 104th Street) / Nueva York, New York, Estados Unidos
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06 feb de 2013 - 19 may de 2013

06 feb de 2013

Organizada por:
El Museo del Barrio


Descripción de la Exposición

Artistas: ADÁL, John Albok, Yolanda Andrade, Tania Burguera, Nao Bustamante, Leonel Cruet, Ana de la Cueva, Alfredo de Stéfano, Jamie Denburg Habie,Vicente Fernández, José Rubén Gaztambide, Lissie Habie, Christina Howard Sandoval, Las Hermanas Iglesias, Andrea Juan, Ken Light, Christopher López, Eugene Merinov, Pedro Meyer, Priscilla Monge, L. Morales, Abelardo Morell, Vik Muniz, Alfonso Muñoz, Julio Nazario, Rubén-Ortiz-Torres, Esteban Pastorino Díaz, María Teresa ponce, Naufus Ramírez-Figueroa, Miguel Rio Branco, Sophie Rivera, Betsabée Romero, Andres Serrano, Teresa Serrano, Edin Vélez, Tony Vélez, Manuela Viera-Gallo y Julio Zadik.



This exhibition explores the layered meanings and interpretations of the real as it is represented in photography and video art. Drawing on the presentation of the landscape, the human figure, the world of architecture, various objects and natural phenomena, these images explore alternative realities despite their use of the photographic or video image, traditionally understood as a reflection of actuality. superreal features works that challenge the notion of the camera's lens as presenting visual accuracy and explores the subversion of narrative form, the creation of a parallel reality, surreal or super-real encounters with objects, people and environments. Partial, hidden, or enigmatic meanings are explored by the artists gathered here. Iconic works by significant photographers and video artists are included along with newer works by younger artists. The incisive points of view and varied methodologies seen here allow the artists to create works that explore the limits of narrative form and its relationship to reality. The works, ranging in dates from the early 1960s to the present, reveal the various ways in which the real is emphasized and subverted, revealed and obscured.


Imágenes de la Exposición
Betsabée Romero, Ayate con perro, 2005

Entrada actualizada el el 26 may de 2016

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