Exposición en Vienna, Wien, Austria

SLOW WAVE III - Jan Arnold Gallery - Q21 - Museumsquartier

Jan Arnold Gallery / Museumsplatz 1 / Vienna, Wien, Austria
29 nov de 2022 - 04 dic de 2022
30 nov de 2022 / 18:00
Organizada por:
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Descripción de la Exposición
Exhibition: 29.11. until 04.12., 10-22h Performances: Wed 30.11., 19h, entrance from 18h “Imagine to narrow down the plane. Imagine to draw the line or curve that avoids the point of inflection. Imagine finding a hope thirsty for truth that allows glimpses of the wings that soar. We know that Mother Earth has no Planet “b”. While deserts are expanding, increased warming in the arctic, melting permafrost, and we speak about the coral reefs, of the most precious substance water and we dream of dolphins, camels, love birds and butterflies, -we are still in this momentum continuum. This includes sea level rise and more acidic oceans. Disease, economic loss, human migration, conflict, other beings’ migration. Children wake up! You are the world, you are the future. In Slow Wave, we wonder whether we can construct micro narratives of the affected memory concerning life in Earth and changes on bio-diversity. Thinking about decolonial matters ... of planetary coexistence we believe in poetical forms of intervening reality to create presence, consciousness and to activate our near surroundings here and there where we are, we were, we will be.“ SLOW WAVE presents open artistic interstitial encounters, reflecting on our current ways of production approaching climate on a broad sense and the post-pandemic era. The concept relates to nature on its open wide and to our physical and virtual environments where we transit, leave traces and co-exist. This artistic format takes over physical and virtual spaces expanding from the interior to the outside. It unfolds a collection of artistic positions within video contributions in a collective format expanding the media into installative and performative praxis. The programme on its conception is open for a plurality of artistic genres and futures, fostering gender equality. Expanded Programme Site specific Intervention: antenna debris /// Thomas Grill, Juliana Herrero Performances: IMPROVISATIONS IN THE SPACE Thomas Grill, Linda Velásquez, Jose Carlos Velayarse (Jode) Artists Milagros Arias, Aylen Almendra, Liliana Arreola, Eunice Artur, Stella Bach, German Bormann, Maria Bussmann, Natalia Forcada, Pablo Chiereghin, Ilse Chlan, Casaluce Geiger, Aldo Giannotti, Thomas Grill, Andrea Habith, Juliana Herrero, Federico Kehm, Si.Si. Klocker, Las Hijas de Israel, Lian Loke, Raisa Maudit, Sissa Micheli, Carmen Omonte Miraval, David Mollin, Karin Maria Pfeifer, Ana Rascovsky, Jutta Ravenna, Dagmar Reinhardt, Agnes Rossa, Sylvia Schultes, Nita Tandon, Christoph Urwalek, Linda Velásquez, Jose Carlos Velayarse (Jode), Salomé Voegelin, Christina Werner, Stefanie Wuschitz, Gerald Zahn, Sula Zimmerberger.


Imágenes de la Exposición

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