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Sights and Sounds: Global Film and Video

Exposición / Jewish Museum / 1109 5th Ave at 92nd St / Nueva York, New York, Estados Unidos
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05 feb de 2016 - 30 jun de 2016

05 feb de 2016

Organizada por:
Jewish Museum

Artistas participantes:
Edgardo Aragón, Eliana Otta Vildoso, Leticia El Halli Obeid, Óscar Muñoz, Regina Parra, Salomé Lamas

Video arte  Video arte en New York 


Descripción de la Exposición

Sights and Sounds: Highlights features key work by 25 artists from around the world, presented as the final installment in the Sights and Sounds: Global Film and Video exhibition series. From Cambodia, curated by Erin Gleeson Studio Revolt + Khmer Arts Neang Neak (Serpent Goddess), 2012 From Brazil, curated by Luiza Proença Regina Parra 7,536 Steps (For a Geography of Proximity), 2012 From Romania, curated by Daria Ghiu Anca Benera and Arnold Estefan Pacta Sunt Servanda (Agreements Must Be Kept), 2012 From Peru, curated by Miguel A. López Eliana Otta Refundación (Refounding), 2011 From Canada, curated by Melanie O’Brian Robert Arndt A Line Meant in Passing, 2010 From Angola, curated by Suzana Sousa Iris Buchholz Chocolate Os sonhos do embondeiro (Baobab’s Dreams), 2012 From China, curated by Carol Yinghua Lu Chen Shaoxiong Ink Media, 2011–13 From Israel, curated by Chen Tamir Mika Rottenberg Sneeze, 2012 From Portugal, curated by Miguel Amado Salomé Lamas A Comunidade (The Community), 2012 From Singapore, curated by Patrick D. Flores Ho Tzu Nyen Newton, 2009 From Poland, curated by Joanna Warsza Karolina Breguła Offence, 2013 From Australia, curated by Wayne Tunnicliffe Angelica Mesiti Some Dance to Remember, Some Dance to Forget, 2012 From Turkey, curated by Emre Baykal Nevin Aladağ Hochparterre (Mezzanine), 2009 From Vietnam, curated by Zoe Butt UuDam Tran Nguyen Waltz of the Machine Equestrians—The Machine Equestrians, 2012 From Mexico, curated by María Inés Rodríguez Edgardo Aragón Exterminio (Annihilation), 2014 From Hungary, curated by Tijana Stepanović Katarina Šević and Tehnica Schweiz Gasium et Circenses (Gas and Circuses), 2013 From Nigeria, curated by Jude Anogwih Uche Okpa-Iroha The Plantation Boy, 2012 From India, curated by Nancy Adajania Ranbir Kaleka Forest, 2012 From Cuba, curated by Mailyn Machado Vanessa Portieles and Yanelvis González; Afuera (The Other Side), 2012 From New Zealand, curated by Natasha Conland Shannon Te Ao Two Shoots That Stretch Far Out, 2013–14 From Philippines, curated by Joselina Cruz Martha Atienza Anito, 2012 From Argentina, curated by Inés Katzenstein Leticia Obeid Dobles (Doubles), 2013 From South Africa, curated by Josh Ginsburg Dineo Seshee Bopape is i am sky, 2013 From Colombia, curated by Juan A. Gaitán Oscar Muñoz Distopía (Dystopia), 2014 From Japan, curated by Yukie Kamiya Ishu Han Return, 2011

Entrada actualizada el el 11 feb de 2016

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