Exposición en São Paulo, Sao Paulo, Brasil

Sérvulo Esmeraldo, Objetos nômades ("Nomadic objects")

Galeria Raquel Arnaud / Rua Fidalga, 125 - Vila Madalena / São Paulo, Sao Paulo, Brasil
14 ago de 2017 - 28 oct de 2017
12 ago de 2017 / 12:00
Monday - Friday 10 - 19h, Saturday 12 - 16h
Entrada gratuita
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Descripción de la Exposición
On the second floor, Raquel Arnaud pays homage to the sculptor, engraver, illustrator and painter Sérvulo Esmeraldo, who died at the beginning of the year, with the shoe "Objetos Nômades", with works by the artist selected by the gallery, which represents him since 2009. Parallel to the 6th Edition of the Premio Marcantonio Vilaça for Plastic Arts, which opens the exhibition at MuBE in the same period, also celebrates Esmeraldo through the Projeto Arte e Indústria (Art and Industry Project), which aims to honor artists whose creative processes are related to industrial production. About the Artist Sérvulo Esmeraldo (Crato, CE, 1929 - Fortaleza, CE, 2017) Sculptor, engraver and draftsman, Sérvulo Esmeraldo began his professional career in the late 1940s, attending the free studio of the Cearense Society of Fine Arts (SCAP) in Fortaleza. He transferred to São Paulo in 1951. Working at the Brazilian Engineering Company (EBE) his interest in mathematics grown and ... he had repercussions on his future: in 1957, working as a xylographer and illustrator of the Correio Paulistano, he exhibited individually at the Museum of Modern Art Of São Paulo a collection of engravings of constructive geometric nature. The refinement of his work was decisive for obtaining the scholarship of the French government that took him, that same year, to a long stay in France. In Paris, he attended the lithograph studio of the École Nationale des Beaux-Arts and studied with Johnny Friedlaender. In the 1960s he devoted himself to projects powered by engines, magnets and electromagnets. Using only the magic of static electricity came to the series of Excitables, work that particularized it in international kinetic art. During the time that he lived in Paris, he lived with other Brazilian and Latin American artists such as Arthur Luiz Piza, Sergio Camargo, Lygia Clark, Julio LeParc, Carlos Cruz-Diez and others. In 1977, he began his return to his homeland, working on public art projects that included monumental sculptures in the urban landscape of Fortaleza, a city he moved to in 1980 and which now houses some forty works of his own. He was the founder and curator of the International Exhibition of Ephesian Sculptures (Fortaleza, 1986 and 1991). With several exhibitions and participation in important salons, biennials and other collective exhibitions in Europe and the Americas (Realité Nouvelle, Salon de Mai, Paris Biennale, Milan Triennale, International Biennial of São Paulo, among others), his work is represented In the country's main museums and in public and private collections in Brazil and abroad. In 2011, the Pinacoteca of the State of São Paulo organized an important retrospective of the artist's work.


Imágenes de la Exposición
Untitled ( cubinhos ) (1989/2011) painted wood Edition: de 30 17,2 x 17,2 x 4,5 cm

Entrada actualizada el el 11 oct de 2017

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