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Exposición / Galería Presença / Rúa Miguel Bombarda, 570 / Oporto, Porto, Portugal
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18 sep de 2021 - 06 nov de 2021

18 sep de 2021 / 16:00

Entrada gratuita

Organizada por:
Galería Presença

Artistas participantes:
Carlos Mensil


Correo electrónico
Arte de Acción  Arte de Acción en Porto  Arte en vivo  Arte en vivo en Porto 


Descripción de la Exposición

Rotor: possibility/impossibility Through Carlos Mensil’s work process we are confronted with reflections and procedures which stem from a praxis of research on phenomena and organisms that we associate with the several life cycles and with our perception of them. (...) Much like the title of this exhibition, “Rotor”, a palindrome which serves as a metaphor for the modus operandi that inscribes an idea of motion into all of the pieces, even those that we find in an unstable balance and seem static and safe, but which are embedded in the realm of uncertainty, perhaps endless and perpetual, Carlos Mensil elaborates various games of perception with the viewer, at the level of language, between the title of the artwork and the very artwork we experience. Of that duplicity we know only the state of wakefulness, of being alert to an 'imaginary figure which, like the soul, the shadow, the image in the mirror, stalks the subject as its other, making it at the same time themselves and never quite look like themselves, stalking them as a subtle and forever conjured death'. (...)

Entrada actualizada el el 05 nov de 2021

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