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Remember that Place?

Exposición / Fabienne Levy Gallery / Avenue Louis-Ruchonnet, 6 / Lausanne, Vaud, Suiza
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16 sep de 2020 - 14 nov de 2020

16 sep de 2020 / 18:00

De Martes a Sábado de 10:00 a !8:30 horas

Entrada gratuita

Comisariada por:
Fabienne Levy

Organizada por:
Fabienne Levy Gallery

Artistas participantes:
Jorge Conde


Correo electrónico
Arte sonoro  Arte sonoro en Vaud  Fotografía  Fotografía en Vaud  Instalación  Instalación en Vaud  Video arte  Video arte en Vaud 


Descripción de la Exposición

My new series presented at Fabienne Levy gallery is based on a selection of 8 Swiss institutions born following the regeneration and renovation of obsolete, disused industrial sites. What relation do they have with the landscape? What is their role in preserving the memory of the territory? How do they impact society? I consider these as zones marking a spatial and historical transition from one milieu to another, from the past to the present and onto the future, cultural milestones to be explored and experienced as liminal spaces where we all have the potential to act. — Jorge Conde Remember that Place? 16.09.2020 - 14.11.2020

Imágenes de la Exposición
When a Building Decays_Compressed Version

Entrada actualizada el el 08 nov de 2020

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