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Rearview mirror

Exposición / Prats Nogueras Blanchard - Barcelona / Méndez Núñez, 14 / Barcelona, España
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19 sep de 2024 - 23 nov de 2024

19 sep de 2024

Entrada gratuita

Organizada por:
Prats Nogueras Blanchard

Artistas participantes:
Richard Wentworth


Descripción de la Exposición

Prats Nogueras Blanchard presents “Rearview mirror”, a solo exhibition by Richard Wentworth (Samoa, 1947) on the occasion of Barcelona Gallery Weekend. This exhibition takes as its starting point the rearrangement of Wentworth's studio, where the artist has been working and storing pieces and what could potentially become artworks since the 1970s. Richard Wentworth (Samoa, 1947) has played a leading role in New British Sculpture since the end of the 1970s. His work, encircling the notion of objects and their use as part of our day-to-day experiences, has altered the traditional definition of sculpture as well as photography. By transforming and manipulating industrial and/or found objects into works of art, Wentworth subverts their original function and extends our understanding of them by breaking the conventional system of classification. The sculptural arrangements play with the notion of ready-made and juxtaposition of objects that bear no relation to each other. For his new exhibition at Prats Nogueras Blanchard, Wentworth will use the rearrangement of his entire studio as a starting point. Since the 1970s, his studio has been both a workspace anda repository for completed and potential pieces. He will present a new body of work specifically for this show, which will open during Barcelona Gallery Weekend 2024. By revisiting his earlier work, this exhibition recontextualizes the fundamental gestures of Wentworth's practice while introducing new explorations and vocabulary within his practice.

Entrada actualizada el el 05 sep de 2024

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