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Punto de Partida

Exposición / Open Studio / Paseo Caribe, Ground Floor / San Juan, Puerto Rico, Puerto Rico
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01 jun de 2017 - 30 jun de 2017

01 jun de 2017

Entrada gratuita

Comisariada por:
Direlia Lazo

Organizada por:
Ana Mas Projects

Artistas participantes:
Alana Iturralde, Alberto Peral, Àngels Ribé, Ignacio Uriarte, Regina Giménez, Soledad Sevilla, Yaima Carrazana Ciudad

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+34 936 33 74 75

Correo electrónico
Arte conceptual  Arte conceptual en Puerto Rico  Arte contemporáneo  Arte contemporáneo en Puerto Rico  Escultura  Escultura en Puerto Rico  Escultura  Escultura en Puerto Rico  Hierro  Hierro en Puerto Rico  Mármol  Óleo sobre tela  Pintura  Textil 


Descripción de la Exposición

Punto de Partida is a group exhibition that takes place through the journey of a foreign space. It is seen as a collection of relocated gestures that builds fictitious stories over the occupied space. The space understood as place, where a series of encounters happen and contribute to redefine its visuality and identity. Thus, the works overlap creating a déja vù experience while some works seem similar or simulate some found accidents. Occupy an space is a way of activating, redefining and undestanding it from another configuration, it is a way of inserting and identifying yoursfelf and to belong. Aesthetically, the exhibition will be build as visual patterns, where each work unleashes the next one, establishing relations of affinity and confrontation. The exhibition will be articulated in a series of sutile interventions that will seem to be randomly emerging in the space. Artists: Yaima Carrazana (Cuba, 1981), Humberto Díaz (Cuba, 1975); Regina Giménez (Spain, 1966); Alana Iturralde (USA, 1988); Alberto Peral (Spain, 1966); Àngels Ribé (Spain, 1943); Soledad Sevilla (Spain, 1944) and Ignacio Uriarte (Germany, 1972).

Entrada actualizada el el 24 may de 2017

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