Exposición en Nueva York, New York, Estados Unidos

Power to the People!

The Clemente Soto Velez Cultural and Educational Center / 107 Suffolk St. / Nueva York, New York, Estados Unidos
02 feb de 2016 - 04 feb de 2016
02 feb de 2016 / 18:00
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Descripción de la Exposición
Spanish artist Julio Falagán's work questions power and the established status quo through humor and irony, inviting audiences to become art collectors by photocopying his work in the gallery and taking home posters of the small format works he made through the manipulation of popular prints bought in flea markets. Join us for this three day pop up exhibition and bring home a poster from the show! "Power To The People!" invites viewers to join a game of concepts which reflect on popular art, questioning the importance of the original, the serialized work, and the structure of the contemporary art market. Falagán's small format works on display at The Clemente dignify the trivial and obsolete as a starting point to reflect on social fracture. "Historically the masses have only been able to access popular culture and handicrafts, which are a branch of art made not by artists but by generally anonymous artisans, ... without an academic foundation and based on tradition," Falagán said. In words of the artist, most people understand art as something foreign to them. We have probably heard the words "I don't understand, this is not for me" in the mouth of a spectator with no experience in contemporary art many times. To break this mold, you are invited to become part of the process of the exhibition, taking home posters of Falagán's small format works to start your own art collection. Organized by the Consulate General of Spain, in collaboration with The Clemente. With the support of AECID - Spanish Agency for International Cooperation Development through the ART-EX program.



Entrada actualizada el el 04 feb de 2016

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D21 Proyectos de Arte / Providencia, Region Metropolitana, Chile

11 jul de 2024 - 16 ago de 2024

D21 Proyectos de Arte / Providencia, Region Metropolitana, Chile

Exposición Online
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